We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

We asked ourselves: how can our company put this slogan into practice and respect the environment in a concrete way?
Companies are now aware that the world has finite, limited resources. Issues such as climate change and the threat to biodiversity are increasingly finding their way into the daily activities of companies. 
An environmental certification is the confirmation (by an authoritative institution) that the company follows precise rules and tools in order to respect the environment and manufacture in a sustainable way.
Customers who buy from an
ISO 14001 certified company are guaranteed to be buying from a company that implements practical tools to control and improve its environmental impact. For us, environmentally sustainable working practices are not a fad: they are a MISSION…and a source of pride.

Good groundwater management

Correct system of smoke emissions into the atmosphere

Very efficient waste collection from manufacturing and packaging

Tried and tested fire prevention system

Presence of charging stations for electric cars and plug-in hybrids

Energy saving through the company’s photovoltaic system

Use of electric energy from certified renewable sources

Use of raw materials with environmental certifications such as:

100% recycled wood

Wood sourced from an environmentally sustainable and responsible supply chain

formaldehyde emission