Policy Privacy

According to what is envisaged by Art. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679, our Company, HOME S.r.l., located in Via III Settembre, 2 – 31030 Cison di Valmarino (TV) – ITALY, controller of the policy, informs that the processing of personal data, e-mail and other identification addresses submitted by filling in websites’ forms included, will be used in accordance with the terms and the conditions laid down below.

Nature of processed data and terms of policy

Our company, Home S.r.l. located in Via III settembre, 2 – 31030 Cison di Valmarino (TV) – ITALY will acquire and process only personal data, eventually fiscal ones; in no case will it process data defined, according to the art. 9 of Regulation 679, as “particular”.
Data submitted to Home S.r.l., located in Via III settembre, 2 – 31030 Cison di Valmarino (TV) – ITALY, will be processed for the following purpose:
a) to follow up precise informative requests sent to Home S.r.l., located in Via III settembre, 2 – 31030 Cison di Valmarino (TV) – ITALY through its website;

Necessity of the conferral of data

The conferral of data is necessary to consent us to implement the users’ requests. The eventual refusal to give personal data totally or even partly might result into the impossibility of proceeding with the user’s request and would anyway impede the correct functioning of ads and marketing activities.

Modality of data processing
Data are kept in both paper archives and electronical data archives; their processing happens through the use of manual and electronic instruments and through procedures aiming to guarantee privacy and safety, always according to the respect of the measures as in the GDPR (art. 32).

Scope of disclosure of data
Data can be disclosed to the staff of Home Srl and, specifically, to those working in the Commercial and Administrative areas.

Communication and disclosure of data
Data might be transferred from Home Srl to external subjects, like to our network of Sales’ Agents, only in the case of a request of a retailer in a precise area. In no case the data will be disseminated.

Data controller and manager
The ‘controller’ of the data is Home S.r.l., located in Via III settembre, 2 – 31030 Cison di Valmarino (TV) – VAT: 02073770261.
Outer data managers are
MASO EMILIANO – email: info@maso.it
ANDREON ELENA-SOLUZIONI GRAFICHE – email: info@soluzionigrafiche.com
who curate and manage the website.

Exercise of the rights which artt. 15-21 of the Regulation 679.
In any moment you can exercise the rights in accordance with the GDPR, by sending a request to Home S.r.l. or by sending an e-mail to: info@homecucine.it